At Pitmaston Primary School we pride ourselves on encouraging all of our pupils to become confident and articulate speakers through a variety of spoken language activities.  These include performance poetry, debates and our highly anticipated class assemblies, concerts, performances and Year 6 production.

We recognise that Spoken Language is not an isolated area of the English Curriculum.  In line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and National Curriculum, our ambitious and progressive Spoken Language curriculum is embedded from Pre-School to Year 6.  It is a fundamental part of our pedagogy that shapes the teaching and learning at our school to help children develop cognitively, socially and linguistically. This is also reflected in our learning environments which are designed to inspire and cultivate a respect for oracy.

Staff at Pitmaston have high expectations for spoken language for all pupils regardless of background, ability or needs and are dedicated to being role models of effective Standard English at all times.