We recognise at Pitmaston Primary that there are a number of our pupils who are More and Most Able in a range of different areas including English, Maths, PE, Science, Music, Art,  Languages,   History, Geography and Computing as well as many other talents. We have enjoyed learning about these through our recent whole school Learning Log.

We endeavour to provide exciting opportunities to challenge these pupils’ thinking and problem solving both in and out of the classroom. Provision for our MMA pupils includes:

  • Open ended investigations.
  • Practical tasks and use of resources.
  • Higher order questioning.
  • Problem solving tasks.
  • Use of Ipads / Learn Pads.
  •  Peer work with children from other year groups.
  •  Trips to the High School.
  •  Cluster events with MMA pupils from other schools.
  •  Competitions and quizzes.
  •  District and local sporting events

What has been happening this term?

author visit for our MMA readers   young writers club   problem solving and challenge events   choir and orchestra performances to the public

How can children be supported at home?

  • Encourage children to explain their answers to homework. Can they justify and prove their answers?
  • Ensure that children are reading books that challenge them and offer something different. See recommended reads on the reading page of our school website www.pitmaston.co.uk/reading/
  • Children should be exposed to a variety of authors, genres and styles of writing. Try newspapers, information texts and great story books!
  • Encourage children to use a dictionary to check the meaning of vocabulary, and use a thesaurus to improve words.
  • Encourage children to think outside of the box when completing their Learning Logs. How could they present their information in a creative way? Could they research a very specific area in great detail?
  • If your child has a great talent outside of school, let us know so that we can celebrate it too!

Useful websites

Reading/ Writing

Enter a competition at https://www.youngwriters.co.uk/

Get inspired to write at https://www.pobble.com/


Complete a problem solving challenge at http://nrich.maths.org/frontpage

Test your mental maths skills at http://www.topmarks.co.uk/

Log onto your MyMaths account at https://www.mymaths.co.uk/


Log onto your expresso account and get coding! http://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk/what-we-offer/discovery-education-espresso