We are very proud of our Pupil Well-being Champions at school. They are keen to improve the well-being of children in school and have all received training through the charity, HeadsUp. This enables them to recognise when children are experiencing strong feelings and has given them strategies to be able to help them regulate and talk about their worries.

Throughout the year the champions will lead assemblies and classroom activities promoting ways for children to look after themselves. Our pupil champions have introduced weekly ‘Well-being Star of the Week’ and promote Fab Fridays within classrooms. They have also held a board games swap and led lunchtimes activities with children.

Mental Health Training

This week we organised mental health training for our Well-being Champions and Anti-bullying Ambassadors. The training was led by Laura Bolan from the HeadsUp organisation. Children learnt how emotions are felt in the body and how behaviour can indicate that someone is experiencing strong feelings. This will help them so much with their roles in school, supporting and promoting the well-being of other children.