Community Cohesion

At Pitmaston Primary School we recognise that community cohesion means working towards a society in which there is a common vision and sense of belonging by all communities: where backgrounds and differences are appreciated and valued; equality is embraced and strong and positive relationships are nurtured in the workplace, in school and in the wider community.

Our Character Value of Citizenship highlights the importance of teaching children how they can have a positive impact on the local and wider community. This relationship is rooted in respect and we design opportunities for children to experience, interact with and learn from many local organisations and individuals.

Our school’s role is crucial. By creating opportunities for pupils’ achievement and enabling every child to achieve their potential, our school makes a significant contribution to long term community cohesion.

We recognise that cohesion within the community and the positive relationships we form also supports our work on the British Values as well as our Protected Characteristics curriculum.