At Pitmaston, we recognise the importance of children achieving their full potential no matter where their starting point is. We work together to meet the full range of needs of all children and their families, including those who speak English as an Additional Language.

We endeavour to provide exciting opportunities to support these children in and out of the classroom. Provision for our EAL pupils includes:

  • Daily, structured lessons
  • Cross curricular opportunities
  • Talk for writing
  • 1:1 or small group afternoon support from Mrs Minchin, our EAL Teaching Assistant 


Celebrating Cultures at Pitmaston

Every half term, we learn about a new language as a school. Here are a few ways in which we celebrate the language we are learning about;

  • Child-led assemblies
  • Vibrant displays
  • Tasks and games for children to complete at play time and at home
  • Celebration days
  • Outside visitors from other cultures linked to our topics
  • EAL cluster events